Heritage Sylvania Announces “History Detectives” Field Trip in a Box
Nothing can replace the in-person experience of a student field trip to Heritage Sylvania, but until you can come back, we want to come to you.
We are pleased to announce our new Field Trip in a Box kits called History Detectives: Uncovering Clues to the Past. Your students will become modern day Sherlocks solving history’s mysteries through fun, engaging hands on/minds on experiences.
Choose from the following themes: Log Homes, One Room Schools or STEM in the History Kitchen (Note: STEM in the Kitchen will be available April 15)
Each kit includes:
- Unit Guide based on current education standards created in a such a way to provide flexibility for you to use as it works best. Each guide includes lesson plans, background information, pre- and post- unit assessments, suggestions for extension activities and instructions for all activities plus connections to current standards.
- A code to unlock special online videos to engage your students in each topic.
- Supplies for each student for several hands-on activities that are both fun and reinforce learning of each theme. Depending on theme chosen, activities include Corn Husk Doll Making, Candle Making, Butter Making, Old Fashioned school supplies, historic recipes and more. NOTE: Not all activities included in the unit require additional supplies.
- Additionally each student gets a History Detective notebook and special pencil and a History Detective Drawstring bag to keep everything in.
The cost is $7.00 per student plus $15 per classroom to ship the box right to your classroom (Note: We will deliver to Sylvania Schools for no additional charge)
Units are designed for 1st – 3rd graders but could easily be adjusted for older students.
When you can’t go on field trips, we want to help you bring those field trips to your door. Become a History Detective and order your kit today! Click to order!