Our Next Session of History Half Pints is waiting for you! Registration is now open!
(Note: Monday December 12 is now sold out)
Join us as our popular preschool story time program continues this winter. As always Mrs. R and Marv have a fun line up of stories, music, play, creativity and learning for you and your preschooler.
Each session runs 10:30 – 12:00.
Open for ages 3 – 6. Please note an update for this series: This program is designed for ages 3 – 6 years old and their adults. Due to the small size of our classroom and the desire to have you interacting with your preschooler during these sessions, we ask that younger siblings not attend.
All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Monday December 12 – Bring Your Slippers SOLD OUT – LITERALLY! We are having a fun pretend sleepover so bring your slippers, bathrobe or favorite stuffy. Books include: “Piggies in Pajamas” by Michelle Meadows, “Ira Sleeps Over” by Bernard Waber, and “Five Little Monkies Jumping on the Bed” by Eileen Christelow
Monday January 9 2023 – Move those Muscles SOLD OUT: We look at fun ways to get moving and learn why it is important to move your muscles. Books include: “Exercise” by Sharon Gordon, “My Amazing Body” by Pat Thomas and “Yoga Bunny” by Brian Russo
Monday February 13 2023 SOLD OUT – M is for Musical Melody: Let’s explore music making together! Books include: “Max Found Two Sticks” by Brian Pinkney, “Mole Music” by David McPhail, “M is for Melody” by Kathy-jo Wargin, and “I Know a Shy Fellow Who Swallowed a Cello” by Barbara Garriel.
Space is limited so register early to avoid being shut out!