For After Your Visit to Heritage Sylvania
Thank you for bringing your students to visit us! We are thrilled that your students had the opportunity to learn about history in a new way through their time here. But just because their field trip is over doesn't mean their journey with history has to end. Below you'll find activities and discussion topics to reinforce what we talked about during their visit to either the Historical Village or Lathrop House.
Pioneer Program at the Historical Village

By visiting the train depot and train car barn, students were able to learn more about the ways we get around.
Brainstorm and Discuss:
What are ways we can get from place to place? What is the best way to get from place to place?
- From your classroom to the bathroom
- From school to home
- from home to a friends house
- From city to city, and state to state
- From North America to Europe
Log Home life
We discussed how our houses today compare to a log home. We also talked about and participated in a few common chores (Butter Making, and Gardening) that would need to be done in a log home.
Ask your student: What was different in the log home compared to our house?

Underground Railroad Program at The Lathrop House

Your students talked about what it means to be an abolitionist and explored the dangers of doing so.
Have students research different abolitionists. Answering: Who they were, what they did, and where they lived. Then have your students compare and contrast their research with their classmates. Discuss how not all abolitionists did the same thing or were in the same place.
We discussed what an abolitionist is and the different ways that an abolitionist might participate in the Underground Railroad. We also brainstormed why an abolitionist might not participate in the Underground Railroad.
Ask your student: What does it mean to be an abolitionist?