History Half Pints at Home Kits come to your door each month July through August. From Silly to Spiders to Birthdays, each new kit comes with a book, supplies and activity guide. Perfect for your favorite preschooler. $13.00 for the series of three includes postage ($12.00 for members). Supplies are limited! Order yours today! Click here to order your History …
History Detectives: Uncovering Clues to the Past Field Trip in a Box Kits available
Heritage Sylvania Announces “History Detectives” Field Trip in a Box Nothing can replace the in-person experience of a student field trip to Heritage Sylvania, but until you can come back, we want to come to you. We are pleased to announce our new Field Trip in a Box kits called History Detectives: Uncovering Clues to the Past. Your students will …
2020 Deck the Halls for History Auction a Success!
Thanks to each of you, our #historychampions, our 2020 virtual auction was a success. Because of your bids, donations and support, we are going to be able to create exciting and engaging programs for students of all ages in the year ahead. We are especially grateful for the businesses and community leaders who donated to the auction: Claire and …
New Hello Wreath Craft Class March 4 SOLD OUT
Just in time to welcome in Spring! This gorgeous wreath will be a wonderful welcoming addition to your front door at home or office. Or a perfect gift for a bride to be! Taught by Layne Torrey, this class is a great night out to explore your creative side. The cost is $35 ($30 if you are a Heritage …
Event News: Third Annual Reading of the Declaration of Independence Scheduled for July 4, 2020
Join us on July 4th for the third annual Reading of the Declaration of Independence on the grounds of the Lathrop House. Be prepared to be inspired as community participants take turns reading one of our nation’s more treasured documents at the site where so many fought for freedom as part of the Underground Railroad. Bring your lawn chair or …
Winter History Half Pints Series Announced
We ring in the new year with an all new series of History Half Pints programs. Our popular monthly preschool programs are back in 2020 with new themes and new fun with our teacher Mrs. R and her helper Marv. These programs are designed to be full of fun and learning as preschoolers ages 3 – 6 and their special …
Annual Pie Baking Contest set for Sunday October 20
Calling all Pie Bakers! We are once again excited to host the annual Sylvania Fall Festival Pie Contest as part of the Sylvania Fall Festival, Sunday October 20. This is your chance to show off your mad pie baking skills! All pies must be completely from scratch (no store bought crusts or fillings). No cream pies or pies that require …
Event News: Declaration of Independence Reading scheduled for Lathrop House
Join us on July 4th for the second annual Reading of the Declaration of Independence on the grounds of the Lathrop House. Be prepared to be inspired as community participants take turns reading one of our nation’s more treasured documents at the site where so many fought for freedom as part of the Underground Railroad. Bring your lawn chair or …
History Organizations Merge in Sylvania
Contact: Andi Erbskorn, [email protected] 419-517-5533 January 8, 2019 For Immediate Release (Sylvania, Oh) The new year brought a new chapter to the way history is presented in Northwest Ohio. On January 1, Heritage Sylvania was officially born and is ready to help share the story of the region’s rich past with audiences of all ages. The organization is the …
Barn Dedicated in Honor of Joy and Robert Armstrong
Twenty five years ago this October, the Heritage Center Museum opened to the public for this first time. At the helm were Robert “Army” and Joy Armstrong. Their commitment to preserving history in Sylvania began in the early 1990s. Army became president of the newly formed Sylvania Historical Society. When the Heritage Center Advisory Commission was formed soon after, Army …
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